Anjali, the...
The Entrepreneur
I have been immersed in the field of entrepreneurship since I was a baby. My parents are lifelong educators and entrepreneurs and I was born in the birthplace of Black Wall Street, Durham, NC. Growing up as a member of a family of entrepreneurs, I have been taught the value of utilizing entrepreneurship as a vessel for freedom. Throughout my childhood, I often worked with my parents on several of their business ventures. When I turned 15, I started my first business, a private swim lesson, and lifeguarding company, which I maintained throughout high school. In college, I used my entrepreneurial skills to create one of the largest and most popular clubs at Eckerd College, the Marine Science Club. The club quickly grew to include over 15% of the Eckerd College student body, attracted the attention of local news stations and newspapers, raised and managed thousands of dollars annually, and is still in existence to this day. Since graduating from college, I began creating a new company entitled iNviTechnology (iNviTECH), which is geared towards combating the underrepresentation of women and ethnic minorities in the STEM fields. In addition, my work also focuses on assisting scientists in monetizing their research & scientific discoveries and increasing understanding of the relationship between science and economics.

STEM Education Consulting
Curriculum Development & Innovation
Curriculum Integration
Program Development & Innovation
Recruitment and Retention
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Staff Training & Management
Instructional Model Design
Effective Technology

Natural Resource Management
Ecosystem Services
Habitat Restoration
Water Quality
Foundation Species Protection
Restoration Monitoring
Environmental Planning
Erosion Control
Surveying and Mapping
Organizations & Companies