Anjali, the...
The Marine Ecologist
As a marine community ecologist, my research is focused on testing and advancing co-existence theory through field experiments, with the applied objective of increasing the resilience and productivity of foundation species (e.g. oysters, seagrass, and coral). Throughout my career, I have conducted research in a variety of marine systems while exploring a diversity of topics, from the habitat association of bottlenose dolphins to the effects of mesopredators on seagrass growth and community structure. I am committed to conducting scientific research to examine how environmental pressures will alter marine ecosystems in the future. My research will assist me in developing novel ecosystem-based restoration and management practices to restore disturbed marine communities around the world. I am devoted to ensuring that science is 1) being shaped by individuals that reflect the diversity of our population and 2) accessible and comprehensible to all, regardless of age, education level, geographic location, and socioeconomic status.
My efforts and energies are leveraged toward working to ensure that I am a scientist that thrives in a research setting, has strong scientific writing and communication skills that extend beyond the academic community, develops innovative ecosystem restoration techniques, opens doors to others to know and love scientific research, and creates safe, welcoming spaces for underrepresented groups in marine science.

Research & Team
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
My work and expertise extends far beyond my scientific contributions, as I have consistently advocated for and worked to improve K-12 STEM education and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in marine science fields. The work I have done (and continue to do), advancing DEI, is critical to fostering creativity and innovation in ecology and marine science, and it is only the beginning for me.

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