Anjali, the...
The Educator
As an Educator, I employ a holistic approach that incorporates socratic querying, mentorship, teaching, and curriculum development. I work with a myriad of diverse students of all ages and education levels (e.g. K-12, undergraduates, and master’s students). My expertise extends far beyond my scientific contribution, as I consistently advocate for and work to improve K-12 STEM education and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in STEM and Environmental Conservation fields. Throughout my time in Florida, I worked alongside the Office of Service Learning to develop programs for students in the Pinellas County School System, which contains some of the lowest-performing schools in the state of Florida (see Failure Factories). My work focused on exposing at-risk dropout high school and middle school students to opportunities for higher education and to educate the Eckerd College community on pressing issues and inequalities within America’s education system. I have also worked as an educator and science communicator with John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth and the Duke University Marine Lab Community Science Initiative. Currently, I serve as the Director of Instruction & Curriculum Development for iNviTechnology (iNviTECH), where I am designing a 9-week STEM curriculum for iNviTECH’s summer camp & track-out programs and creating an after-school coding program for youth in Durham Public Schools.

Mentees, ranging from high school students to undergraduates and master's students.
Students identify as female
Colleges and universities represented among students.
Students identify as Black, Hispanic, Indigenous, and/or Pacific Islander.
I mentor students of all ages, from middle and high school to graduate school, with a focus on mentoring students from underrepresented backgrounds. I tailor my mentorship style based on the needs of my mentees, assisting with career development, completing applications, finding opportunities in their perspective fields, expanding their professional network, and navigating careers in STEM fields.

Education Intern | Beaufort, NC
Tasks include developing website material, creating outreach materials, and conducting outreach events focused on marine debris and water quality at local middle and high schools.
Created a lesson plan, geared toward 7th and 8th graders, focused on assessing water quality using sea monkeys.