Soil & Water Conservation District
What is the Durham County Soil & Water Conservation District?
The Soil & Water Conservation District is tasked with enhancing, protecting, and improving soil and water resources throughout the state of North Carolina, and more specifically Durham county. This has direct health and economic implications for diverse communities throughout Durham County.
What are the roles and responsibilities of a District Supervisor?
Each district is governed by a five-member board of supervisors. The board of supervisors meets monthly to establish local soil and water conservation priorities based on the needs of the district.
Supervisors chair work groups to address county priorities through the installation and implementation of best management practices that protect and improve the natural resources within the district.
Supervisors and staff work to develop partnerships with local, state and federal agencies; businesses; and non-profit organizations for technical and financial assistance to accomplish district priorities.
The board is also responsible for reviewing and approving district contracts for on-going financial-assistance programs.